How effective was Centrovital Vitamin C during Covid-19

How effective was Centrovital Vitamin C during Covid-19

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is among the safest and effective nutrients that can be used to avoid serious complications of diseases including the common cold. Experts say that it doesn’t necessarily cure the disease but helps to prevent it from aggravating. However, the Vitamin C benefits are countless including the protection from the deficiencies in the immune system, prenatal health problems, skin wrinkling, cardiovascular disease, etc. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits and it also comes in the form of supplements.

It is basically an antioxidant which clearly means that it can be used to fight oxidative damage. Whenever a pathogen is killed by the immune system, there is a certain level of oxidative damage. This indicates that Vitamin C can be used to fight against the damage that is done in the disease-fighting process.


Vitamin C is also known to help the immune system in functioning well because it helps in the development of the white blood cells. Vitamin C may also fight against inflammation (damaging lungs and other organs) because of its role as an antioxidant. People with Coronavirus infection develop serious levels of inflammation and Vitamin C helps in fighting it. The levels of Vitamin C also decline during any illness, although the immune system requires more Vitamin C for treatment.



There are no serious side effects of vitamin C even when high doses are taken, so it is a safer alternative to other risky treatments.


Considering all the benefits of Vitamin C, the Centrovital Vitamin C supplementation helped a lot in fighting against the coronavirus by helping to strengthen the immune system. Everyone started taking recommended doses of Vitamin C. It was being used in the standard hospital treatment for Coronavirus patients in many countries around the world.

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